Sunday, May 12, 2024


Many would say what we are facing as a church and as a nation in 2024 is so great it would be easier to move the entire Himalayan mountain range.  We have endless false teachers on TV who cannot hide their extreme covetousness, who censor out the words of Christ that are essential for salvation, and who make the church a laughingstock in the world.  Even "sound" preachers treat the Bible as a buffet where they grab anything that sounds like love and acceptance while avoiding the clear scriptures against feminist perversions of the scriptures and those accommodating to sexual perversion.  I pray every day about these issues, and I hope you do as well.

As a nation, we are witnessing nakedly political selective prosecution while others are given just a wink and a pass. We see an open border where violent criminals and terrorists have freely crossed along with others. We see a micro-managing of Israel but not Ukraine, both the subjects of unwarranted aggression. We see the influence of aa foreign mega-power influencing policies in their favor. I pray every day about these issues, and I hope you do as well.

God raises up churches and also blows out the candles of the unfaithful. God raises up nations for his sovereign purposes and destroys those whose corruption causes him to say, "enough is enough." We are on sensuous ground here. Please pray for God to intervene quickly on behalf of his elect, his blood-washed saints. The time is short. The offenses many.  We need a major move of God right now.

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